Friday, Apr 23, 2021
2:00 pm PST
View archived recording of Lauren Graf, Nicholas Hayes, Nicole Ishii, and Jasmine Alexandra O. here, and pre-recording with Jiarong Bi below.
The 2021 graduating class of Art Department Seniors presents the culmination of their undergraduate artistic production with the exhibition Escapism. With the artists facing the end of their program while enduring a new reality under COVID, Escapism uses paintings, drawings, and sculptures to reflect life, but also offer a reprieve from it. Join us for virtual artist talks with Jiarong Bi, Lauren Graf, Nicholas Hayes, Nicole Ishii, and Jasmine Alexandra O., including live Q&A.
Image: Jasmine Alexandra O., Medusa, digital painting, 2021. View the corresponding virtual art exhibition here.
Previously recorded talk by Jiarong Bi: